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At Flamingocon 13, we will continue our tradition of Play To Win games. These are games that will be set up on tables, ready to play, nearly all day. If you like the game after playing it — win or lose, you can then enter to win it (as in physically take it home!).

The game titles donated to us so far are brand-new copies of Euphoria, Between Two Castles, and My Little Scythe (all from Stonemaier Games), and Noir of the Indines (from Level 99 Games). In addition, we will have games from our sponsor Stronghold Games.

Game winners to be announced at 8:00 pm. You DO have to be present to win. You can give your ticket to someone else to claim the game for you.

You can learn more about the idea of Play To Win from this blog post from Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games.




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