Tickets are $8 via Pay Pal, and $10 at the door.
Board games mania!
We can't wait....
Buy your tickets now...
Winners get crowns!
Flamingos galore!
Something something about dice....
Here are photos of past events and games:
Check out Expedition Prototype Con in Orlando the weekend after our event!
Learn more and buy tickets here: Expedition Prototype Con. $20 to be a playtester, and $50 for game designers (double-check those prices in case they change with deadlines).
Lots of fun and a chance to…
Get your tickets! Make sure you have directions! Figure out what games to bring! Let us know what games you want us to bring and
teach you!
Same location, on Feb 18.
We are most active on our Facebook page.
You can also find loads of photos of games being played at our Instagram account. Find us there under @Flamingogamescon.
We also have a Twitter feed, though it is updated sporadically. Find us @flamingocon1.
Hope family and friends gifted you with tons of new board games and accessories! We have been playing Lotus, Kanagawa, Flip City, Toc Toc, Elysium, newest Smashup expansion, Betrayal expansion and Castles of Mad King Ludwig expansions around here. We still…
We look forward to seeing you.
Crowns for the winners!
Big game of Red Dragon Inn!
Play to Win: Between Two Cities & Batman Fluxx!
11 1/2 hours of board gaming
May the dice roll in your favor.
We have a copy of Between Two Cities to give away at Flamingocon D6! Thank you Stonemaier Games!
We will have demos on how to play in the morning, and anyone who checks the game out and tries it during the day can enter his or…
We will be giving away 20 miniature demo decks of DANGER the Game! Thank you Pixel & Paper Studios!You can learn the basics of the game and whet your appetite for more!
DANGER is a storytelling party card game that is inspired by warning signs ramped…
Another Play To Win game at Flamingocon D6 will be for Batman Fluxx. Like all the Fluxx games, the rules change throughout the game. Batman Fluxx is different in that the "creepers" are all the villains of teh Batman world, and you have to get…