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FlaMinGoCon The First: Lesser Known and New Games

One fun thing about game conventions is getting to play more              obscure games you can't find at the book store or national toy store chain. We have game creators trying out new games and avid game owners wanting to find new players to try out their favorite               little-known game. FlaMinGoCon is small, but you can still have some of this experience on January 24. Three more games you will be seeing are Microvore, Super Dungeon Explore and Conjure, along with folks who will teach you how to play!    

Trailer Park Wars!

A little like Chez Geek, a little bit offensive -- okay, a lot offensive -- and a lot of redneck stereotype. But what's not to like about a game with dozens of little plastic pink flamingos!? And the photos of the different classy trailers are a hoot as well. More fun with more players, and it takes up a lot of room! Sure to be available for play at FlaMinGoCon The First. 10882344_334425253411506_5275186755613460444_n 10377378_334490166738348_4020017206208086938_n

Happy New Gaming Year!

Does it matter WHERE you'll be in reality when the clock strikes 12 tonight? If you play board games, at midnight, you may be fighting a dragon or building a spaceship or trying to get a letter to the princess! Or....  

What games might we see at FlamingoCon?

Award-winning games such as Splendor, Camel Up, Augutus, Dixit, Fresco, and 7 Wonders. Classics such as Settlers of Catan, Carcassone, RoboRally, Seque4nce, and Ticket To Ride. Cooperative games such as Pandemic the Cure, Forbidden Island, Hanabi, and Betrayal House on the Hill. Social games like Bang!, Shadow Hunters, Werewolf, and Resistance. Quick games like Sushi Go, No Thanks!, and Love Letter. New releases like King of New York and Castles of Mad King Ludwig. And many more!