Here is a link that will take you there!
See you there!
Check out Expedition Prototype Con in Orlando the weekend after our event!
Learn more and buy tickets here: Expedition Prototype Con. $20 to be a playtester, and $50 for game designers (double-check those prices in case they change with deadlines).
Lots of fun and a chance to…
We are most active on our Facebook page.
You can also find loads of photos of games being played at our Instagram account. Find us there under @Flamingogamescon.
We also have a Twitter feed, though it is updated sporadically. Find us @flamingocon1.
Your first game of the day is finding your way to Flamingocon.
The city of West Palm Beach has decided to give you a CHALLENGE to get to Flamingocon 5. Okeechobee Blvd will be closed at the railroad tracks, just west of the Dixie. Yay.
You can still use the Okeechobee exit from I95. But you will want to turn LEFT (north) on Tamarind, right before the Kravis Performing Arts Center. The problem is I am not certain which of the small roads then head east and will cross the tracks to get over to US 1 to get to the church. A safe choice is Clematis Street which definitely crosses the tracks and goes to US 1, then you would have to turn back south for about a mile to get to the church.
Use your GPS!
See map in this Palm Beach Post article for more details.
If you want to miss the downtown mess:
Coming from the north, get off at Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. (one exit before Okeechobee). Head east to US 1, and go south a few miles until Trinity Place, a couple blocks before Okeechobee Blvd.
Coming from the south, get off at Belvedere Rd. (one exit before Okeechobee). Head east to US 1, then go north until 2 blocks north of Okeechobee Blvd, which will be Trinity Place.
Hopefully you are all using your GPS.
A slower, more scenic option is to get yourself over to A1A, enjoy a leisurely cruise along the ocean, and then come over the Royal Palm Way/Okeechobee bridge from the island, and the church is right around the corner from there...
Address is 211 Trinity Place, West Palm Beach.
Whatever you feelings about big chain stores, it is awesome that bookseller Barnes & Noble is supporting the board game hobby. In addition to selling many popular and even non-mainstream board games, some Barnes & Noble stores will start hosting Casual Game Days with instructors to teach people the games. Support the cause of gaming! Call or go to your local B&N and ask them if they are participating in Casual Game Gatherings.
Board games aren't just fun, they also have great educational and developmental benefits.
Board Game Family: 4 Ways Board Games Help At-Risk Children Grow
We believe Monopoly is the worst.
Ready to play some games? You don't have to wait long. You can find a board game convention nearly every weekend of the year! Check out this list of 2016 Tabletop Gaming Conventions.