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What a wild Flamingocon!

Something the attendees missed was we had 4 volunteers unable to attend at last minute and the front door of the hall was locked. And we couldn’t figure out how to unlock it until the last minute. And two lights were burned out in the hall. 😧😧😧 But 26 events in, we can handle it. 😆😆🤙

Oh! And the inexplicable error codes with Zelle! 🤷🏼‍♀️ But the payments came through fine.

We presold less tickets than ever, so we were expecting a small event. Instead the place was packed before noon, and tickets were running very low. Barbara and other crew squeezed in a couple more tables. Thank you gamers for not grumbling, and thank you to everyone who kept tables free of bags, food and excess games.

The church gave us another room to add, and that eased the crowding. So sorry to the at least two people who were turned away. We were at capacity for only the second time in our ten-year history. As mentioned above, we had no warning that this would happen. We already have a plan to make this work better next time,

Some Play To Wins were super popular, and we will have them again at the next event. Thank you Rio Grande Games and Cards Against Humanity!

Speaking of next event, i will get with the church next week and try to pin down an early 2025 date so we can all play our new holiday games!

Thank you to the volunteers and also the lovely paid attendees who whipped that hall back into shape after it was over. The church will have no idea we were even there!

And thank you to the five new volunteers who helped out at registration and library. You helped make this magic!

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