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  1. Takenoko
  2. Sushi Go
  3. Tokaido
  4. Wasabi
  5. Ghost Stories
  6. Tsuro
  7. Tsuro of the Seassushi go
  8. Trains
  9. 10 days in Asia
  10. Okko
  11. Senjii
  12. Shogun a.k.a. Samurai Swords
  13. Kamisado
  14. Age of War
  15. Hanabi
  16. Machi Koro
  17. Chang Cheng
  18. Samurai Spirit
  19. Ninjato
  20. Yedo
  21. Yashima!
  22. Firefly
  23. Koryo/Choson
  24. Say Bye to the Villains
  25. Mai Star
  26. Kanai Factory Edition Love Letter/Lost Legacy
  27. Pagoda
  28. River Dragons
  29. Legend of the Five Rings.Tokaido Travelers
  30. ZhanGuo

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See more ideas for games on other themes here: If You Like That, Then You Should Try This Game

These suggestions provided by gamers at the Flamingocon FB page and Dice Tower Con FB page.

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