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  1. Awful Green Things From Outer Space
  2. King of Tokyo/New York
  3. Smash Up
  4. Conquest of Planet Earth kingofnewyork
  5. Mars Attacks: The Dice Game
  6. Moongha Invaders: Mad Scientists
  7. Atomic Monsters Attack the Earth!
  8. Invasion From Outer Space
  9. The Captain is Dead
  10. Space Cadets: Away Missions!
  11. Monsters Menace America
  12. Terror in Meeple City
  13. Mag Blast
  14. Galaxy Trucker
  15. Munchkin
  16. Space Alert
  17. Last Night on Earth
  18. Red November

Have more to suggest?

See more ideas for games on other themes here: If You Like That, Then You Should Try This Game

These suggestions provided by gamers at the Flamingocon FB page and Dice Tower Con FB page.


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