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  1. Scoville
  2. Takenoko
  3. Bohnanza 11140293_10206689546895483_8054274189607149693_n
  4. Flowerpower
  5. Caverna
  6. Garden competition
  7. Garden dice
  8. Agricola
  9. Gates of Loyang
  10. Finka viticulture with box lid
  11. Viticulture
  12. Myrmes (actually about ants but close enough)
  13. Key market
  14. Hanging Gardens
  15. Tulip Mania
  16. Morels
  17. Citrus
  18. Arboretum

Can you think of more?

See more ideas for games on other themes here: If you like that, then you should try this game 

These suggestions provided by gamers at the Flamingocon FB page and Dice Tower Con FB page.

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