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  1. Tammany Hall
  2. Junta
  3. Sylla and Tribune
  4. Virgin Queen
  5. Divided Republic
  6. 1960
  7. Article 27
  8. Twilight Struggle
  9. The Majority
  10. Russian Roulette
  11. Founding Fathers
  12. Kremlin
  13. Pax Porfiriana
  14. Die Macher
  15. City Council
  16. Dogs of War
  17. Vault Wars (on Kickstarter as of 3/6/14)

Can you think of more?

See more ideas for games on other themes here: If you like that, then you should try this game 

These suggestions provided by gamers at the Flamingocon FB page and Dice Tower Con FB page.

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