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Of course any game can fall victim of “analysis paralysis” and many games have a big learning curve. But these suggested games particularly require some deep thought and strategizing to play.

  1. Tzolk’in
  2. Terra Mystica Tzolkin
  3. Eclipse
  4. Keyflower
  5. Ricochet Robots
  6. Kanban
  7. Giggidy
  8. High Frontier
  9. Nations
  10. Akrotiri
  11. Roads & Boats
  12. Scoville
  13. Vinhos
  14. Power Grid
  15. Five Tribes
  16. Ora et Labora
  17. Lewis and Clark
  18. Tash-Kalar
  19. AquaSphere
  20. Agricola
  21. Alchemists
  22. Trajan
  23. Hanabi
  24. Sails of glory (with the Advanced rules and all the optional ones)
  25. Puerto Rico puerto rico
  26. Ys
  27. Quantum
  28. Dungeon Twister
  29. Russian Railroads

Any more suggestions?

See more ideas for games on other themes here: If You Like That, Then You Should Try This Game


  • Trae
    Posted February 22, 2015 12:45 pm 0Likes

    Russian Railroads seems appropriate under this category.

  • Cindy Brodrick
    Posted February 22, 2015 2:42 pm 0Likes

    I’ve never played, but it does look “thinky”! Thanks for the suggestion.

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