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Around the world on the weekend of December 6 & 7, people will be playing the cooperative board games Pandemic and Pandemic Cure at a Global Pandemic Party, and donating money to the humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders, who are currently concentrating their efforts to wipe out ebola in west Africa.

FlaMinGoCon is joining the cause! Come play Pandemic with us and your friends!


When: Saturday Dec 6, 1 pm to 4 pm

Where: Panera’s, Village Blvd, West Palm Beach (directions)

What: we will have three tables of Pandemic going, plus other games as well

What to bring: a good attitude, a willingness to learn, any games you want to play in addition to Pandemic, and a willingness to throw a few bucks towards Doctors Without Borders.

Feel free to DONATE NOW before you come or if you can not make it.

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