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Things you can look forward to at FlaMinGoCon Los Dos:

10:00 — Civilization (or earlier if enough players show up early, because this is a time commitment!)

10:00 — Seminar about being a Game Master in RPGs. In library. King of Tokyo

10:00 — King of Tokyo demo — main hall

11:00 – 1:00 — King of Tokyo tournament – 12 players

11:30 – 2:30 — Werewolf in library, approx 20 players a formula d 3


2:00 — demo of Formula D

3:00 — Liars Dice in library, up to 8 players

3:00 – 7:00 — Formula D 4-race tourney. You don’t have to play each round. Enter as many or few as you wish. Max 8 players per round.

4:00 — Seminar about crowd-funding your game idea. In library.

6ish: we will order in pizza if you’re interested!

7 – 9:30 — Liars Dice in library liars dice

7 – 9:30 — Werewolf out in courtyard, this could be a larger crowd (if it’s raining, we take a vote on Werewolf or Liars Dice in library)

Game demos are not on this schedule. We will post a tentative demo schedule at the event on Saturday. We have people willing to demo several games so it may just be a matter of putting interested players with willing teacher on the fly!

Some games available for demos are Blueprints, Camel Up, Takenoko, Among the Stars, Acquire, Splendor, DiscWorld, Augustus and more! Just ask!


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