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FlaMinGoCon HIGH FIVE is on Saturday May 14!

11265490_387551794765518_7458922979292850386_n Come play board games all day (or just part of the day) in downtown West Palm Beach. We will be 12764523_10208274313273652_3437472241099384318_osettling colonies on Mars, taking a journey through Japan, betting on racing camels, solving mysteries, planting trees, planting bamboo, exploring the jungles of Cartagena, building castles, and sewing quilts! That makes for quite a fun day. Join us and bring your friends. Date: Saturday May 14, 9:30 am to 9 pm. Location: 211 Trinity Place (directions here), West Palm Beach, FL Borrow games from our 100+ game library, bring your own, or join 12496526_10208388117958698_4912531294420103124_onew friends with their games. Snacks and hot dogs will be sold at the event. Lunch/dinner options are nearby. Tickets are $10 at the door. $8 via Paypal -- which will be set up and linked shortly. 10371742_494488100738553_7907939177263169425_n More questions? Check our our FAQ.   Mysterium 11951215_442695945917769_9195949945300887036_n  11046781_360729857447712_7654191680958194517_n Tokaido Travelerscamel up with expansion