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12240263_10207665290128454_1009622396706925104_oAny games in particular you are looking forward to at FlaMinGoCon? If we have it, we will be sure to bring it. If we don’t, we will ask around.

The following are just new photos we have available, not necessarily the best or newest games available, though we like them.


12247904_10207626391516013_459311942338136286_o 12307973_10207704541989726_6992314809607869117_o 12038845_10207704164780296_8503761869216848681_o 12291265_10207694030166937_7348504912307674811_o 11231803_10207691044812305_5801596679121771539_o 12308181_10207688666672853_8926812525921042815_o  12240342_10207626055947624_3573028252337199386_o 11922927_10207260717854400_8482832454585359669_o 12140079_10207390638662339_5784688995281560568_o 12247973_10207696520389191_3541331996525895904_o 12466171_10207934961110060_8747547378903615479_o 10631145_10207934382535596_3970070547651758313_o 12401689_10207908962860120_8180129889075931337_o 10258838_10207894634181912_1005403292489873847_o 980150_10207893143624649_4545594303029432490_o 10295305_10207891161815105_3150479447623200986_o 12314603_10207707766270331_3668950332361350614_o 11902504_444622802391750_2955958997578956421_n 11855737_440367002817330_2946530026555474909_n 11750645_430703197117044_2220487551846094780_n 11059440_430920490428648_1294532520024891928_n


  • Brad Hunter
    Posted January 26, 2016 10:22 am 0Likes

    Hey, everybody. Looking forward to attending. I spoke with a nice guy who is part of your group (met at Palm Con) who was there with the Battlestar Galactica board game in a BSG briefcase. I mentioned that I created a bluffing game I call “Are You a Frakkin Cylon?” and that I’d like to run it at FlamingoCon. Would it be possible? It is the same game as Are You a Werewolf. I’ve play-tested it at Megacon and Dragoncon and people love it. All I need is a bunch of chairs; I’ll bring the rest.

    • site_owner
      Posted January 26, 2016 1:21 pm 0Likes

      Yes, you are welcome to bring your game and set up a sign looking for players.

      At the last event we were able to set space in the library for Werewolf, but you may have to share the space with another bluffing game.

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